Obama Explains Trickle-Down

Posted by Tina Grazier

The term trickle-down has been floating around Post Scripts over the past couple of days. A few of our readers refer to it with contempt. They invoke with equal contempt what they call the failed economics of the Reagan years. But it is a myth that Reagans trickle down (supply side) economics failed. The lie was, and is, a tactic of the left to discredit the opposition; the end game was, and is, to steal the issue.

When I read the following quote from Barack Obama I knew his words were something that needed to be shared with all of you. He was defending his tax policy and his statement about spreading the wealth around. Ive kept the quote in context for clarity but I highlighted the part that is most significant, in terms of trickle-down:

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Vote for McCain/Palin

“I’ll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money, and you can keep THE CHANGE”.

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Democrat Barack Obama’s lead over Republican rival John McCain held steady at seven points as the race for the White House entered its final four days, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Friday.

Obama leads McCain by 50 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in the three-day national tracking poll, virtually unchanged from Thursday.

The telephone poll has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

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Taking a Stand for Animals (and trains)

by Jack Lee

puppyeyes.jpgThere are a couple of things on the republican slate I will not endorse. I will be voting YES on Prop 2 for the ethical treatment of farm animals. This issue was not just invented out of thin air, there were darn good reasons why so many people were moved to sponsor it. They saw the evidence. Now they are asking you to cast your vote based on your character and not your wallet. Even if you think farm animals don’t know they are being abused, that they don’t know the difference (which is unlikely), we know the difference..

People who support the NO vote say it will cost too much. I say that is a false argument, I know what it costs to raise animals right, and it’s not that much more. The big commercial producers should have addressed this problem long ago before they started cramming chickens into cages too small to move in, but they didn’t and now it’s up to us as an ethical society. We’re a better people than to tolerate animal torture, like they do in China and many parts of Asia. In China they raise dogs in small cages and club them to death for the meat and fur. What we do here to some farm animals isn’t much different….in some ways its worse. “Two weeks ago, video from an undercover investigation at Norco Ranch, owned by Missouri-based Moark, was released to the public showing pitiful images of animals abused at a California factory farm. The undercover investigator not only recorded images of four to six birds crammed into small cages and unable to extend their wings, but also dead birds in cages, birds with legs or other body parts caught in the wire caging, and the animals living in absolute filth and squalor…”

Democracy and human rights is not and should not be, our only government export. The ethical treatment of our farm animals matters, it’s just another measure of our good character on display for the world.

rst-Great-Western-High-Speed-Train.jpgNext, I also like the idea of a high speed train to SoCal. The Reps oppose because they say it’s too costly, but I think we’ve lost that pioneer spirit that built the first Continental railroad! It united a young America. Let’s do it again, let’s show them our spirt and our vision, for our current and future generations!

I really like the concept and I think a high speed rail is a first rate ride into the future for California. Imagine a train going 200 mph for hundreds of miles! It will be a fantastic tourist attraction and a cost effective way to connect people and commerce in this long state.

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The Stars Are Perfectly American – Period!

2972-elephant2.jpgPosted, for clarity, by Tina

One of our faithful readers suggested something evil lurked in the Republican elephant symbol posted a few days ago. I suggested it was more likely an error of design layout. This elephant symbol clearly shows that the mighty gentle elephant is indeed purley all American. I guess I had the time to find out after all.

Thank you for voting the Republican ticket!

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The American Can-Do Spirit Works

AJN10388.jpegBy Tina Grazier

Barack Obama and John McCain have very divergent approaches to government. They see America differently and so their designs for Americas future are also different.

One candidate believes our nation is made up of folk who are weak and needy, greedy and mean. His solution to brighten this dark portrait is to punish the greedy and promise the weak and needy help through an expanded federal government. Big government, we are promised, will guarantee fairness and put greedy achievers in their places. We are told that this will somehow unify Americans making them kind and nice. Its a philosophy that comes from looking out across the land and seeing only misery, selfishness and want. Where is the love in that? Where is the hope? Where is the patriot spirit?

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She’s Saying Bye Bye to Democrats

img-bs-bottom-button-edwards-134_062345759087.jpgPosted by Tina

No one can speak better than a disenchanted ex-Democrat who’s now voting for McCain. I hope you’ll read her article, she definitely has something to say. find an excerpt below:

So Long, Democrats, by Wendy Button

* As the nation slouches toward disasarticleter, the level of political discourse is unworthy of this moment in history. We have Republicans raising Ayers and Democrats fostering ageism with erratic and jokes about Depends. Sexism. Racism. Ageism and maybe some Socialism have all made their ugly cameos in election 2008. Its not inspiring. Perhaps this is why I found the initial mocking of Joe so offensive and I realized an old line applied: I didnt leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me. *** The party I believed in wouldnt look down on working people under any circumstance. And Joe the Plumber is right. This is the absolutely worst time to raise taxes on anyone: the rich, the middle class, the poor, small businesses and corporations. *** Our economy is in the tank for many complicated reasons, especially because people dont have enough money. So let them keep it. Let businesses keep it so they can create jobs and stay here and weather this storm. And yet, the Democratic ideology remains the same. Our approach to problemsbig government solutions paid for by taxing the rich and big and smaller companiesis just as tired and out of date as trickle down economics. How about a novel approach that simply finds a sane way to stop the bleeding? *

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Vote McCain * Palin for Economic Recovery & Good Jobs

images.jpgby Tina Grazier

We will cut the capital-gains tax. And we will cut business taxes to help create jobs, and keep American businesses in America. John McCain

Ordinary Americans are indeed smart enough to grasp the simple concept that good jobs depend on strong viable companies, companies that remain firmly established in America. Tax policies that are overly burdensome, as those Obama has proposed, send big corporations to business friendlier locations. They cause foreign investors to flee America for better investment opportunities and they also cause companies of all sizes to cut back or eliminate jobs.

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Caveates – None


Federal Write In Ballot (FWAB) Resolution: The State of Virginia announced that a number of Uniformed Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) members submitted Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots (FWAB) which will not be counted due to administrative errors. Virginia requires FWABs submitted as both an absentee ballot application and as a voted ballot contain both the witness signature and the witness address to be counted in the General Election.

Having consulted both FVAP and the Virginia Absentee Voter Office, we recommend that voters who submitted the FWAB as both their application and their ballot complete a Federal Postcard Application (FPCA) and email it to their county voter registration office NLT 1700 28 OCT 08. Once the FPCA arrives, the voted ballot already on-hand becomes valid and will be counted. Please see your Unit Voting Assistance Officer (UVAO) for assistance.

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McCain Is Still In The Running

Zogby, Rasmussen and Gallup all report McCain closing to 5 points back. Zogby had him 12 back, Rasmussen 8 and Gallup 6 in their previous polling. McCain’s use of the Joe the Plumber and the tax issue in his ads is working!

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