Tag Archives: covids-19

CA Plan to Prevent Counties from Opening

by Jack by Order of the Reich Governor Newsolini – you are hereby ordered to read and obey: (From an LA Times story) Heir Governor has issued a proclamation that is guaranteed to delay the reopening of counites locked down … Continue reading

Posted in Behavior and Psychology, Economy, Health and Medicine | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

How’s CA’s Shelter in Place Plan Working Out?

by Jack Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to place homeless in 15,000 hotel rooms around the state has apparently hit a snag, better make that , hit the whole damn tree.   Based on eye witness accounts, placing bums and junkies in … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Economic Apocalypse or Time to Stand Up?

by Jack The news is horrific, 28.5M new claims for unemployment, government rushing towards  printing up 2 trillion dollars or more in debt, we’re seeing zero percent prime,  there’s a virtual panic in Congress to bailout everyone for everything, from … Continue reading

Posted in Health and Medicine | Tagged , , | 42 Comments