Election 2008 is a whale of a time

The whole lipstick on a pig discussion got me thinking about other popular animal-based turns of phrase. Using some of them, heres how I see the current horse race from the catbird seat:

When John McCain first introduced Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a lot of people were wondering if he was selling a pig in a poke. Instead of being a fish out of water, Palin is clearly cock of the walk in the Republican Party after two short weeks.

While Palin is popular, some conservative birds of a feather are denouncing the open season to look this gift horse in the mouth. Barack Obama got in trouble for trying to put lipstick on a pig. The reference irked some because Palin noted that lipstick, and presumably other cosmetics, are apparently the only things that separate pit bulls from hockey moms.

Conservatives should chill theres no reason to think that Palin will let the cat out of the bag about Trooper-gate or other criticisms. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.

In the end, its silly to argue that Palin (or any other candidate) should be off-limits for questions. That dog wont hunt and thats no bull.

About Ryan Olson

Ryan is living every week like it's Shark Week.
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