A ‘Colbert Christmas’ will be the most awesome time of year

The Hollywood Reporter has a story about the pending “A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!” TV special airing Nov. 23 on Comedy Central.

Call me a sucker, but I’m an ol’ softie for the classic Christmas special. Sure, 99.9 percent of them are pure schlock but they’re part of the tapestry of the season — like fruitcake.

I’m a little weary of Colbert’s take on the special — the premise is that he’s supposedly snowed in and passes the time with his musical friends. Sometimes his over-the-top character starts to overstay his welcome. I just hope that he takes a light and funny touch to the holiday special.

Bottom line — I hope it’s more like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and less like “A Kathie Lee Christmas.”

About Ryan Olson

Ryan is living every week like it's Shark Week.
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