Thank You


The old logo

Some of you may or may not know, but the Buzz used to exist in tab (short for tabloid) form, instead of just in Internet ether. As such, it was entered into the 2011 California Newspaper Publishers Association Better Newspapers Contest.

And we won an award! Second place for Arts and Entertainment coverage.

I say “we” because many people are involved in putting out what you see every Thursday in (what is now called) the Entertainment section. While it’s gratifying to know that my hours spent slogging through press releases, begging/hunting for photos, farming out and scheduling writing assignments and physically putting together the issues got some nice recognition, I recognize that I never could have got here without the freelancers, who actually wrote the articles, which constitutes the coverage.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to them (and forgive me if I miss any names):

Dan Barnett
Nick Farrar
Pat Feldhaus
Kyra Gottesman
William Kelvin
Allen Lunde
Michelle MacEachern
Verda Mackay
Mary Mullen
Wayne Mullen
Jaime O’Neill
Esmeralda Ramirez
Phil Reser
Anthony Siino
Bruce Smith-Peters
Erin Tarabini
Brian Ward

And while the award was for coverage, I bet the way it looked helped (the Buzz was very pretty), so a big thank you goes out to Ryan Olson, who redesigned the look of the Buzz, and to George Kremenliff who designed spectacular covers for it every week.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Gary Kupp, who not only started the Buzz/Entertainment section about 10 years ago, but trained me in its ins and outs.

Together Each Achieves More. Thank you, team!

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