Dollar Makes You Holler! Bread


Sometimes, when driving to work, I would see a sign for the Wonder Bread/Hostess Bakery Thriftshop (thriftshop–really?), but the place always looked closed and/or deserted. I wondered if it might be a front for the mafia. Then one day I actually walked over there and looked in their window. Assorted Hostess goodies (including Twinkies, cupckaes, ding dongs) for less than 50 cents?? I decided I was willing to risk the wrath of any family. Locked and loaded (read: my car doors and my change purse), I rolled on up. Inside, the place is fairly small, and the wares are simple. But the deals are pretty big; one can purchase a LOAF OF BREAD for 99 cents. (Do not be perturbed by the seemingly nigh expiration dates. According to a Slate article, expiration dates mean very little as long as the food looks and smells OK.) Oh the wonder of it all!

Wonder Bread/Hostess Bakery Thriftshop: 385 E Park Ave, Chico, CA.
(The real bad guy here could be their hours; during the week they close at 6 p.m.)

Jammie Karlman is the entertainment editor for the Chico Enterprise-Record. Contact her at Follow her on Twitter @JammieKarlman

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