It’s Started – Obama Bombs Syria

by Jack

Last night 47 Tomahawk missiles were launched at ISIS and Khorosam terrorist groups inside Syria. The reports indicate significant damage was done to both factions, but exactly how that translates in casualties is yet to be determined.

Obama is approving each missile strike and this micromanagement style is causing some angst within the Pentagon; they want him to approve the mission and let the military decide what to hit. However, Obama is the commander in chief and if he wants to play war games he can, he outranks everyone at the Pentagon.

The current volley of missile strikes is just the beginning Obama announced today. By the way…those Tomahawk missiles cost $1,427,000 each! And to think all this bombing might have been completely unnecessary if Obama had taken the advice of his military advisors 2 years, backed the Syrian rebellion and put a quick end to Assad. ISIS would have had no to form.

•By contrast, a laser-guided 2,000 pound bomb dropped from a B-2 costs about $26,200, while an unguided bomb from a B-2 or B-52 runs about $600.

•It costs $8,300 an hour to fly a B-52 and the costs for other craft range down to $1,740 an hour for an F-117, only we scrapped all of those.

The B-2 can drop an unguided bomb on the target with pretty good accuracy; wondering why we didn’t do that on a few of the targets and save $10-15 million of the taxpayers dollars?

It costs about $7,000 an hour to fly the B-2, but it’s still far cheaper to use than a cruise missile.

Despite the promise of more bombing nobody in the military thinks this alone will defeat ISIS, more likely it will just slow them down.

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15 Responses to It’s Started – Obama Bombs Syria

  1. bob says:

    By the way…those Tomahawk missiles cost $1,427,000 each!

    Don’t worry…Janet Yellow at the Federal Reserve will just print up more of that funny money…more quantitative easing for you…

  2. Tina says:

    RHT447: “‘Smart diplomacy’ was supposed to permit a reduction in the military budget of the United States in order to fund social spending. The smart thing now would be to recognize that those pretentions are null and void. We may need more than 3 months’ supply of Tomahawks.

    The wizards of smart strike again!

  3. Tina says:

    Wasn’t it Johnson who tried to run a war from his desk in the Oval Office?

  4. Peggy says:

    Did you hear what the Afghan president said after we spent $100 billion, lost over 2,000 soldiers and tens of thousands wounded?

    Afghan President Hamid Karzai slams U.S. government policy in Afghanistan:

  5. Libby says:

    “Despite the promise of more bombing nobody in the military thinks this alone will defeat ISIS, more likely it will just slow them down.”

    You just can’t keep it in your head for six seconds together, can you?

    No. The eradication of “command and control” will not eradicate the toxic ideology. Has the O-man ever said it would?

    You’re the one who can’t keep it straight. And you’re the one who contributes to the continued conflict with your repeated exhibitions of rancid bigotry.

    Just … just … go away.

  6. Tina says:

    Libby juuuust in case you failed to notice, you’re in his house!

  7. Dewey says:

    Bottom Line our wars there create more wars it will never end.

    Also It is the Constitutional Duty of Congress to debate and declare war. No one else can.

    John Boehner speaker of the House – if he was really a leader would not have sent people home to campaign.

    It is their duty to be in session and declare what is to go on. Bar NONE the War Powers Act

    Congress is shucking their duty so there is no vote to go on record before elections.

    They can say whatever they want and have no record. That is not right and Congress needs to be cleaned out.

    They are all campaigning, presidential hopefuls out there trying to impress donors by spewing their message.

    Also the budget is up. But they do not work for us the people they work for a few millionaires and Billionaires.

    Only limited actions can be taken by white house and they are being stretched by a GW bill because they are factions of Al Queda.

    Bottom Line I know this is now a never ending war. Iraq was a huge mistake. But we are here.

    Again it is the duty of Congress to debate and get into session to declare what we will do. They are failing the people all for campaigning. So call the speakers office and make them get back to work.

    We pay them a good living wage. Boehner calls Americans lazy? He is the worst speaker in modern history.

    We may not like the military decisions, I am not especially happy but


    Call Them! Make them debate! The 60 days a president can act is almost up! Know the laws!

    • Post Scripts says:

      “Bottom Line our wars there create more wars it will never end.

      Also It is the Constitutional Duty of Congress to debate and declare war. No one else can.”

      Ha! Those are two moot points that nobody is paying any attention too, especially Obama.

  8. Libby says:

    I’m sure you would be more comfortable, all alone, in your echo chamber … but think of the service I do you.

    You are repeatedly shocked by the degree to which you do not get your way, politically speaking. I explain why. And that shocks you too.

    Jack’s dismay over the fact that hard-liners don’t get elected is an instance. Now, a person could compose a lengthy, point by point explanation as to why the hard line does not appeal to the majority … or … a person could just go … “wing-nut, whack-job … and just, just … go away.”

  9. Tina says:

    The hypocrisy from the phony hard-line socialists is on full display. They win and all of us keep losing more ground. /they win and the world is in flames and its still Bush’s fault…or in the case of at least one, the complex warned of in the fifties.

    Who will save us from radical socialists/environmentalists who talk a good game, with lots of flowery words, and deliver chaos, poverty, and death?

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, you sure overreact a lot. But, isn’t that is what you’re accusing me of? Ironic.

    I’m only stating the facts which you obviously don’t like.

    Here’s a thought: Please try to keep this conversation on a higher level – I don’t appreciate the litany of insults lately. It’s beneath you Libs, we can respectfully disagree. That’s the best way to go.

  11. Peggy says:

    Watch these two videos and I believe we see why Obama’s sudden shift on wanting to go to war against terrorist now to what he said before. The man is in panic mode, because he now understands his failed policies have brought us to this war, the exact opposite of what he set out to accompolish.

    Bush’s speech 13 years ago in 2001 and Obama’s speech today:

    John Brennan: “Islamic Caliphate is absurd and never going to happen.”

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