Almost Everybody Thinks Obama is Dead Wrong About ISIS!

by Jack

obama angryDissident voices in the highest levels of US government and among allied governments are becoming more frequently critical of Obama’s Middle East policy. For them, they see Obama in the role of an obstructionist, not a leader. But, Obama appears too entrenched in his own policy position that involves a lot of denial and he can’t back down now. This would mean he has been wrong his whole time in office!

Dr. Sebastian Gorka: “We have to speak honestly about who they are and why they are fighting. We have to jettison this seven-year-old myth, this “Alice in Wonderland” narrative that it is about unemployment and lack of education. This is about Jihad. This is about an ideology that wants to destroy Western civilization starting with the United States.”

Gorka said today, “These people (ISIS) aren’t crazy, they are establishing a caliphate (theocracy) and they will come after us. They are taking the fight to the homeland of the infidel and ISIS is much, much more dangerous than Al Qaeda. They are building a giant launch platform.”

“Nothing’s going to happen in the next 15 months on the strategic level,” said Gorka. “The White House wants to shovel this problem away onto the next administration.” This is one of America’s best terrorist advisers to the military! “So it’s up to us, it’s up to the American citizens, to demand that this not happen,” he added. Gorka said that people should be on a “heightened level” of alert while out in public by reporting any suspicious activity immediately to the authorities. “So it’s up to us, it’s up to the American citizens, to demand that this not happen,” he added. (Need I say it, Dr. Gorka thinks Obama is incompetent?)

Gorka advises anyone who has questions about Obama’s policy and the intentions of ISIS to read the ISIS book: The Management of Savagery: “The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass” by Abu Bakr Naji. It really details what ISIS is doing right now with regard to a phased set operation that exports terrorism into Turkey, Europe and to the United States. They openly admit they will use refugees to infiltrate these nations and wreak havoc on them. Here’s the Wiki link for the shortened version of this book.

The following quotes represent just a tiny fraction of Middle East experts that are convinced President Obama is working against the interests of the Unites States and Middle Eastern governments, except for Iran, and that by doing so he is empowering the ISIS terrorists that he steadfastly refuses to identify as Muslims. (Can you imagine the President in WWII telling the troops, “Okay boys you go conquer that enemy, but don’t call them Nazi’s, you might offend someone!”)

“What they are doing now is making it more likely that there will be a bigger, more disastrous catastrophe for the United States,” said David Sedney, who resigned in 2013 as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“Drone strikes are not creating a safer, more stable world,” Sedney said, and neither is the limited bombing campaign the Pentagon is running against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. Both are creating new enemies, he added, without a plan to defeat them.

“U.S. counterterrorism policy has caused some intense backlash and has had a lot of unintended consequences,” said Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration Pentagon official.
“We are concerned that the Obama administration’s heavy reliance on targeted killings as a pillar of U.S. counterterrorism strategy rests on questionable assumptions, and risks increasing instability and escalating conflicts,” concluded the task force, co-chaired by Brooks and retired Gen. John Abizaid.

The lesson of the 9/11 attacks, said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University, “was that these groups are the most dangerous when they have a sanctuary. The fact of the matter is they have far more sanctuary today than they had a decade and a half ago.”obama-downsides-graphic

“It’s dangerous,” Hoffman added, “to wrap ourselves in this false security blanket that we’ve prevented them from attacking the U.S. thus far.”

Former Army deputy chief Lt. Gen. Richard Zahner says the Obama administration’s policy of “benign neglect” toward strife-torn Yemen and Syria has ensured the existence of terrorist safe havens there for both Al Qaeda and ISIS militants.

Obama can’t bring himself to call Muslims terrorists, but President Sisi of Egypt can! He has very publicly criticized Islam — linking it to jihadist destruction and backwardness in the Arab world. President Barack Obama has made every effort to de-link Islam from Islamic terror, arguing that Islam itself, not its reformation, is essential to combatting jihadism.

During a December 2014 speech at the seat of Sunni Islamic learning, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, President Sisi stated:

It is inconceivable that the ideology we sanctify should make our entire nation a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction all over the world. It is inconceivable that this ideology… I am referring not to “religion,” but to “ideology” – the body of ideas and texts that we have sanctified in the course of centuries, to the point that challenging them has become very difficult.

It has reached the point that [this ideology] is hostile to the entire world. Is it conceivable that 1.6 billion [Muslims] would kill the world’s population of seven billion, so that they could live [on their own]? This is inconceivable…You cannot see things clearly when you are locked [in this ideology]. You must emerge from it and look from outside, in order to get closer to a truly enlightened ideology. You must oppose it with resolve. Let me say it again: We need to revolutionize our religion.”

There’s more, but if you don’t get it by now chances are you never will.

Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States.

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2 Responses to Almost Everybody Thinks Obama is Dead Wrong About ISIS!

  1. J. Soden says:

    Obumble’s ears are so clogged with his ideology and arrogance that he’s totally unable to listen to rational thought.
    Counting the days ’till he’s gone!

  2. Tina says:

    Needs highlighting and repeating:

    “Drone strikes are not creating a safer, more stable world,” Sedney said, and neither is the limited bombing campaign the Pentagon is running against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. Both are creating new enemies, he added, without a plan to defeat them.”

    The lesson of the 9/11 attacks, said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University, “was that these groups are the most dangerous when they have a sanctuary. The fact of the matter is they have far more sanctuary today than they had a decade and a half ago.”

    ISIS controlled territory in Iraq and Syria is the size of Great Britain.

    Has anyone else noticed the President still refers to these terrorists as ISIL rather than ISIS. He might as well just come out and endorse them as a legitimate government and nation that he supports.

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