Tag Archives: ISIS

Trump’s Comment on Train Bombing Angers Some Brits

by Jack When a homemade incendiary bomb ignited on packed train in London last Friday, President Trump responded on Twitter, “Another attack by a loser terrorist.  These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland yard. … Continue reading

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Now This is What Gun Control Should Be

Posted by Jack It took 10 seconds for the bullet to arrive. . . A Canadian military sniper took out an ISIS fighter with a record-breaking shot from more than two miles away, according to a report in The Globe … Continue reading

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ISIS Declares War on Iran

by Jack ISIS claimed responsibility for a pair of Wednesday attacks in Tehran in which suicide bombers and teams of gunmen stormed Iran’s parliament and the nearby shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, killing at least 12 and injuring dozens of … Continue reading

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Terrorist Attacks Likely on Easter Sunday (2017)

by Jack I can almost guarantee you that somewhere in this world, some sick b-tard calling himself a jihadi, will try to kill as many innocent people as possible.  Actually, it’s already started in a place where it’s almost Sunday. … Continue reading

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Do They Think We’re That Stupid?

by Jack There seems to be quite a bit of controversy over Arab-Muslims immigrating to the USA as refugees. On one side we have Secretary of State, John Kerry, President Barack Obama and candidate Hillary Clinton advising the public that … Continue reading

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Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

by Andrew McCarthy About the author: Andrew C. McCarthy III is a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. He led the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were … Continue reading

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Congratulations To ISIS Girls – Their Wish Came True!

by Jack They were teenage girls from Austria seeking adventure.  They were idealistic, fervent Muslims, and they were caught up in the romantic notion that they could leave their families and join the fight with ISIS.   They would be warriors for Allah and … Continue reading

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The Children of War

by Jack There is a new wave of terrorists coming our way and they are unlike any soldiers you’ve ever seen before. These are children caught up in war and they are being programmed to kill by ISIS and Al … Continue reading

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Degrading the World’s Best Fighting Force

by Jack Most of our enlisted and officers know the integration of women into combat units is a bad idea, because it’s based on politics, not reality. Unfortunately, the “politicians in uniform” at the Pentagon don’t have the backbone to … Continue reading

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San Bernardino Slaughter – 14 Dead, 17 Injured, 10 Critical

Posted by Tina UPDATE: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/02/police-id-suspect-in-san-bernardino-massacre-as-syed-farook.html”>The Daily Beast reports: “Syed Farook is one of three suspected gunmen who attacked a center for the disabled, killing 14 and injuring more on Wednesday.” As all of you are no doubt aware a terrorist … Continue reading

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