Statistics on Causes of Deaths in USA – From Business Insider

Posted by Jack

The lifetime odds for a death by a gun are 3 times higher for blacks than all others.  Does that mean we should have tougher gun control laws for blacks because it would save lives? No of course not.  But, logic tells us black communities are where we should begin when it comes to law enforcement and pro-active policing.  That would make a far bigger impact on gun deaths than all the protest marches for safe schools.

Washington D.C. has the toughest gun control laws in America – it also has the highest per capita gun-murder rate in America.  Laws alone will not fix this. Tough laws, tough courts, tough law enforcement, and tough no non-sense prisons is what will solve the problem! We’re lucky if we have one out of four.

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2 Responses to Statistics on Causes of Deaths in USA – From Business Insider

  1. Libby says:

    “But, logic tells us black communities are where we should begin …”

    Unhappily, logic also can be used to support the most heinous of racisms. Adolph’s “Final Solution” was perfectly logical. I don’t know what’s to be done with you; I really don’t.

  2. Tina says:

    “The lifetime odds for a death by a gun are 3 times higher for blacks than all others. Does that mean we should have tougher gun control laws for blacks because it would save lives? No of course not.”

    Libby cherry picked so she could cry racism…again.

    The following supports the premise for Jacks article:

    Dec. 2014, American Free Press, “324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years”

    During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on November 23, Giuliani told blacks who were accusing white police of killing them that “white police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.”

    Giuliani pointed out that “93% of blacks are killed by other blacks.”

    After the other talk-show guest, Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

    This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giuliani’s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.

    A six-year FBI study conducted between 2007 and 2012 found that, on average, local police forces kill 400 people every year in America. Of those, only 96, or 25%, involved blacks killed by white police officers.

    It is worth noting that, according to the nonprofit New Century Foundation, of the nearly 1 million violent crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites in America, blacks commit 85% and whites commit 15%.

    There are problems that should seriously be addressed in the black community. Of any are in denial about that it is the black community that has been lied to and used by the radical left (including the black radical left). Progressive policies and practices are part of the problem. Great Society “solutions” have worked against the black community by tearing the family apart. Refusing to address the failures of local schools because of political ties to the union, are part of the problem. Romanticizing and celebrating drug use and promiscuous sex is part of the problem. Negative views toward religious training is part of the problem. Conditions in neighborhoods that prevent incentives to start local small business as well as encourage industry and banking make jobs scarce and adds to the problem. Making excuses for criminal activity and blaming cops is part of the problem. The left does not, and probably will not, take responsibility for the role they’ve played in creating and fostering these conditions. (And by the way, Farrakhan played a big part in driving blacks from the Christian religion of their parents and into the radical and political Nation of Islam and Black Liberation Theology…that also has a hand in current problems)

    Final solution? Try the left’s abortion stance!

    The black population is in decline: 3 out of every 4 abortions in America are black babies — more than double that of whites

    Way to go…

    You want to talk denial, Libby, you can start there!

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