Tag Archives: bias

Misinformation and the Human Brain

Posted by Jack From MSN – 16 Jan.   “If you’re looking for who’s responsible for all the misinformation out there, you might want to take a peek in the mirror. OK, OK, it’s not all your fault. Although external … Continue reading

Posted in Behavior and Psychology, News Media | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Overcoming Racial Hatred

by Jack Do you think one’s color has anything to do with bias in opinions, attitude and actions?   Sure, of course it does, but it’s a learned condition.  If it can be learned, it can be changed and neutralized.  But, … Continue reading

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A War on Police?

by Jack Lee It seems like every time a group of blacks encounters a police officer arresting a black man/woman for anything, its another opportunity to interfere, cause trouble and play the race card.    In the inner city, blacks are particularly … Continue reading

Posted in Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 25 Comments