Tag Archives: fraud

Scam Calls from the American Police Association

Police are warning of scam phone calls from someone seeking donations for the American Police Officers Association. Columbia police said the callers claim their organization provides training and equipment for police officers and needs funds “to keep our officers safe”. When confronted … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , | 16 Comments

Spotlight on Bernie Sanders

by Jack Is Sanders a loser, a phony, a fraud, who has never done much with his life except talk?   Many would say without hesitation yes, yes he is and quite obviously!  But, lets take a fair look at … Continue reading

Posted in Politics and Government | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 24 Comments

Charity Scams – Consider this a Christmas Gift from Post Scripts

  “This is the peak season for home burglaries, car break-ins, package thefts and scams.  This week I want to focus on the scams, particularly the charity scams.  Scammers look for trusting, soft hearted people that want to help needy … Continue reading

Posted in Fraud Alert | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Massive University Grant Fraud – Tip of the Iceberg?

Posted by Jack Duke University will pay $112.5 million to settle claims that biomedical researchers at the school manipulated research data to apply for federal grants, an attorney for the whistleblower in the case said March 25. The latest settlement … Continue reading

Posted in Fraud Alert, Morals and Ethics | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

WARNING: Conmen Prepare to Fleece Fire Victims

by Jack FRAUD ALERT: Paradise was well known as a quiet retirement town before the Camp Fire. Now it’s known to a certain criminal element as a potential bonanza, a place ripe for fraud schemes. Why would Paradise and its … Continue reading

Posted in Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Californian’s Upset Over Gasoline Tax and DMV Fee Hikes

by Jack According to a new Berkeley poll only 35% support gasoline tax hike due to go into effect November 1st. This will be in addition to DMV registration fees, sales tax and registration fees that will increase in 2019.  … Continue reading

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Crooked Hillary – Legal Taxpayer Rip Off’s Exploited by Clinton’s

by Jack Remember how broke Hillary said they were when they left the White House?  Well, she failed to mention that you don’t need money when you have a government credit card. The Clinton’s legally spent over $16 milllion in … Continue reading

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Will the State of California Make the Sale of Colt .45’s Impossible?

by Jack According to industry sources, firearms dealers in California are being told by Colt that many of their pistols are going to fall off the roster of “approved” handguns for sale in the state within the next 60 days … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution and Law | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Four Examples of Your Tax Dollars at Work

by Jack 1. Stamps deemed unsafe for children: A run of stamps created specifically to commemorate Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” youth anti-obesity program has been recalled by the cash strapped US Post Office. The existence of the postage stamps in … Continue reading

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Here Come the Layoffs

by Jack Investors Business Daily did a nice job showing companies laying off workers and cutting full time jobs to part time in advance of the mandatory health insurance law aka ObamaCare aka The Affordable Healthcare Act aka The Un-Affordable … Continue reading

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