Tag Archives: regulations

Reason No. 6,035: Why We Should Split the State – AB60 Driver’s Licenses for Illegals

by Jack In the latest and most brazen disregard for the rule of law, Hispanic legislators slapped each other on the back as they passed AB60, a bill that when signed into law by Gov. Brown will give driver’s licenses … Continue reading

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State of Jefferson: Reason 6034 plus One Big Green Whopper!

Read A Green Car Named Desire in the Wall Street Journal for the full context…here’s what fuels the fires of those who are tired of So Cal and Bay Area liberal BS: •California has a goal to cut its greenhouse … Continue reading

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Reason No. 6034: Why We Should Split the State – The Trust Act

by Jack It’s called the Trust Act, but it’s just another silly sanctuary bill to protect illegals in California. If signed into law, it would in greatly limit California law-enforcement agencies from participating with the federal government’s ICE program that … Continue reading

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State of Jefferson

by Jack Well, it’s officially begun in Butte County! Local citizens have formed a committee to promote the State of Jefferson here and get a resolution before the Board of Supervisors for a vote. Tentatively, this would come as soon … Continue reading

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Obamacare’s 7′ of Costly Regulations

Posted by Tina Senator Mitch McConnel tweeted this photo yesterday to illustrate the complexity and size of regulations contained in Obamacare. The stack apparently only gets higher as regulations continue to be tweeked and adjusted. The original proposal was about … Continue reading

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