Tag Archives: liberals

Just An Observation

by Jack The one big consolation from getting older is hindsight.  We’ve hopefully learned from our  life mistakes and that adds up to wisdom.  It’s no guarantee, even though it should be, unless, unless…. and this is core of the story: A friend of … Continue reading

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How Half of America Lost Their F’g Minds!

Post by Jack Dear PS readers, I am about to post a link to a blunt and poignant explanation of what caused Donald Trump’s rise to power.  It should be mandatory reading for every rabid, hateful liberal in America. If you are offended by … Continue reading

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A War on Police?

by Jack Lee It seems like every time a group of blacks encounters a police officer arresting a black man/woman for anything, its another opportunity to interfere, cause trouble and play the race card.    In the inner city, blacks are particularly … Continue reading

Posted in Police, Crime, Security | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 25 Comments

Will the State of California Make the Sale of Colt .45’s Impossible?

by Jack According to industry sources, firearms dealers in California are being told by Colt that many of their pistols are going to fall off the roster of “approved” handguns for sale in the state within the next 60 days … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution and Law | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Texans get Open Carry as Californians get Murdered by Terrorists

by Jack Lee TOUGH GUN LAWS HELP TERRORISTS and CRIMINALS – TEXAS KNOWS BETTER THAN CA! Good gun legislation signed into law: “Why today is possible,” Abbott began in his remarks, “is because we have legislators who stepped up, did … Continue reading

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Women 18-35 Now Eligible for Draft?

by Jack File this story under, “Be careful what you ask for!” The military has accepted women in combat roles, without exclusions. Therefore, women being equal to their male counterparts (so says the gov) then they must also be eligible … Continue reading

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Muslim Extremism Too Common – Obama Too Soft

by Jack Yesterday saw 14 dead and 21 wounded at the hands of Muslim extremists wielding semi-auto rifles and pipe bombs. Predictably, President Obama reacted by using this attack as another opportunity to lobby for more gun-control. He cited the … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution and Law | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Butte County Agencies Holding the Line Against AB109 and Prop 147…so far

by Jack Regarding todays article in the ER, Butte County Agencies Commended for Response to AB109. I don’t want anyone to misconstrue the positive comments made today in the ER to mean AB109, prison realignment or even Prop 147, sentence … Continue reading

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A Message From President Obama to You

Posted by Jack with closing comments by Jack This is from Obama’s blog to our blog regarding his 4 part strategy to defeat ISIL (ISIS)… 1. A systematic campaign of airstrikes against ISIL Working with the Iraqi government, we will … Continue reading

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Founders Not in Love With Democracy

by Jack Lee Contrary to what most people assume is true the founded were not in love with democracy.  For them, democracy was just a means to an end, a tool to be used wisely. What they were in love … Continue reading

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